“Any Action is…

Musings: Quote Wednesdays…

Any Action Is Often Better Than No Action Especially If You Have Been Stuck In An Unhappy Situation For A Long Time If It Is A Mistake At Least You Learn Something In Which Case It's No Longer A Mistake If You Remain Stuck You Learn Nothing Eckhart Tolle, Eckhart Tolle quotes, Eckhart Tolle, Quote Wednesdays, Rego's Life Quote Wednesdays, Quote Wednesdays Rego's Life, Rego's Life, Eckhart Tolle quotes, Eckhart Tolle, Rego's Life quotes, quotes, life quotes, don't live the same day twice, rat race, entrepreneur, living one day in 70 years, living 70 days in one year, pros and cons of being an entrepreneur, running your own business, pros and cons of having a business, dissatisfaction, tired, routine, schedule, day in day out, job vs business, truth about being an entrepreneur

Photo by Alex Wolfe on Unsplash

Just a little mid-week inspiration.

Like I mentioned in this week’s episodic musing, remember the difference between the two types of dissatisfaction. It makes a world of a difference when you define the two, then execute accordingly.

Oh yeah – Happy Valentine’s Day.

Hope everyone’s having a great week.

As always…

Stay awesome.

– Rego

Improve Your Lifestyle. Improve Yourself. This is Life. This is Rego’s Life.™

“The war was…

Musings: Quote Wednesdays…

The war was an escape to reality The only thing that mattered were human relationships not money not position not even family Only relationships with people who might be dead tomorrow were important It is a sort of wonderful state of mind It's too bad it takes a war to create such a condition among men William wyler, rego's life quotes, quote wednesdays, william wyler, william wyler quotes, human relationships quotes, relationship quotes, war quotes, family quotes, quotes, life quotes, rego's life quote wednesdays, quote wednesdays rego's life
It’s weird how the world works sometimes. Tragedies and war bring people together, but really that shouldn’t be the case. Humans shouldn’t have to be knocked abruptly out of their day to day lives to make them appreciate life, let alone the people around them.

Being cordial, kind, or even nice isn’t that hard…and I think when a person takes the time out to build camaraderie with other people, it means something much more than just being involved on Facebook. The ironic thing about mobile phones, social networks, and the like is that they were supposed to make it easier to keep in touch with people – yet nowadays calling someone before texting seems odd.

Think about it.

As always…

Stay awesome.

– Rego

Improve Your Lifestyle. Improve Yourself. This is Life. This is Rego’s Life.™

“I tend to….

Musings: Quote Wednesdays…

I tend to think you're fearless when you recognize why you should be scared of things but do them anyway christian bale, christian bale quotes, quote wednesdays, quote wednesdays Rego's Life, Rego's Life Quote Wednesdays, Rego's Life, fearless quotes, quotes on fear, Rego's Life Quotes, wednesdays, hump day, happy hump day

Just a little mid-week inspiration. 😉

As always…

Stay awesome.

– Rego

Improve Your Lifestyle. Improve Yourself. This is Life. This is Rego’s Life.™

“Slow down and…

Musings: Quote Wednesdays…

Slow down and enjoy life It's not only the scenery you miss by going to fast you also miss the sense of where you are going and why Eddie Cantor, eddie cantor quotes, slow quotes, rego's life quotes, Quote Wednesdays, Rego's Life Quote Wednesdays, Quote Wednesdays Rego's Life, Quote Wednesday, Rego's Life Quote Wednesday, Quote Wednesday Rego's Life, life quotes, quotes, happy hump day, slow down and enjoy life eddie cantor quote slow quotes rego's life quote wednesdays quotes

Just a little mid-week inspiration. Hope everyone’s having an awesome Wednesday. 😉

As always…

Stay awesome.

– Rego

Improve Your Lifestyle. Improve Yourself. This is Life. This is Rego’s Life.™

“A man without…

Musings: Quote Wednesdays…

a man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon this world albert camus rego's life quotes, rego's life, rego's life quote wednesdays, albert camus quotes, albert camus, life, thought, quotes, quote wednesdays rego's life, rego's life quotes, wisdom quotes

The question isn’t morality, or right and wrong – but a sense of understanding your fellow man, and following a basic code of ethics that evolves around that understanding. It’s this discerning point that humans are given the opportunity to utilize – a discerning point that, quite clearly, separates man from beast. Take away that, and you’ve taken away a very important part of being human.

Just a little mid-week food for thought.

Hope everyone’s doing great. 😉

As always…

Stay awesome.

– Rego

Improve Your Lifestyle. Improve Yourself. This is Life. This is Rego’s Life.™


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“And remember, where…

Musings: Quote Wednesdays…

where you have a concentration of power in a few hands all too frequently men with the mentality of gangsters get control Lord Acton, rego's life, rego's life official site, regoslife.eu, rego's life quote wednesdays, rego's life quotes, quote wednesdays, regoslife, regoslife.com

A very important quote I thought would be a good idea to post…if you like it feel free to download it in the “Free Downloads” section of Rego’s Life Official Site.

Remember that when you do gain power, whether financial or rank, to remember where you started, and that power, often, cannot long endure without proper use.

Never throw your weight around. Never disregard your fellow man. This is a key step to financial success.

Just a little mid-week wisdom. 😉

As always…

Stay awesome.

– Rego


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“Energy and Persistence…

Musings: Quote Wednesdays…

Energy and persistence conquer all things benjamin franklin, Energy and persistence conquer all things benjamin franklin rego's life quotes, rego's life, rego's life quotes, benjamin franklin quotes, quotes, persistence quotes, quote wednesdays, quote wednesdays rego's life, life quotes, life

…and energy has a lot to do with things. Just a little mid-week wisdom. 😉

As always…

Stay awesome.

– Rego

Improve Your Lifestyle. Improve Yourself. This is Life. This is Rego’s Life.™


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“When you believe…

Musings: Quote Wednesdays…

When you believe in a thing believe in it all the way implicitly and unquestionable, Rego's Life, Quote Wednesdays, walt disney quotes, dreams quotes, quotes, walt disney

A little mid-week inspiration. If you’re day after day doing something you believe in, whether it’s a sport, you’re business, a project, a piece of art, photography, or a new invention…believe in it 100% – and when you feel like quitting, remember why you started.

Believing in something partially, or doubting it, will only set you back tremendously. Start believing in yourself, and you can start believing in what you’re doing at any given moment – without fear, without hesitation, and without doubt.

As always…

Stay awesome.

– Rego

P.S. Quick side note – I’m gonna be posting a special today – a little Valentine’s “surprise” for this week onlyfill out this form and start following my official site and get 20% off kick starting your online business with any one of the Silver, Gold, or Platinum website creation packages I offer, plus a free course on how to monetize your site efficiently. New and more innovative stuff coming up in the shop real soon…look out for it by the end of this week. 😉


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“You are unique…

Musings: Quote Wednesdays…

you are unique and if that is not fulfilled then something has been lost, martha graham, rego's life, quote wednesdays, unique quotes, quotes, life quotes, inspirational, motivational

Excellent and inspirational quote from Martha Graham You’re not meant to just be “normal” or “ordinary.” You’re not meant to move with the crowd and do as they do. You’re not meant to follow the masses. You’re meant to tap into what makes you you, and run with it.

Waste your talents and you’ve wasted a very important part of your life. Explore and enhance your talents and you’ve tapped into part of your purpose. Don’t lose to what society says you should do – don’t lose yourself.

You’re unique. You’re original. There isn’t another one like you out there.

As always…

Stay awesome.

– Rego


“I believe that…

Musings: Quote Wednesdays…

“I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade… And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party.” – Ron White

In other words, when life hands you unpleasant situations, try and see the opposite end of it…the more you exercise doing this, the more you can pretty much manipulate your thoughts and change your feelings in certain circumstances fairly quickly….but it takes practice….just like building up your alcohol tolerance ;).

Happy Wednesday.

– Rego