Musings Episode 55: Trust…

Super low key this weekend was. Met up with a good friend and was brushing up on some literature from Jeffrey Gitomer and had this brilliant idea to write about trust.

Trust is an interesting thing – so interesting there are books written on it. I’ve got my own points about it as well – so sit back and enjoy the read.

Musings Episode 55: Trust…

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Trust is a tricky thing. It ties in with more aspects of life than some may stop to think and realize. Trust is one of those things that can be broken in an instant, take years to create…and decades to repair.

Often people have trouble trusting those they’ve never met.

…but what about trusting people who are your own bloodline?

This is where going with your gut, or really being in touch with your “higher self” comes into play. Trust takes thought, consideration, and the ability to go against the grain of the societal norm and get in touch with your own humanity.

It’s about not always looking out for your own arse.

These days the world we live in can be so pessimistic when a person does come across someone who’s genuinely kind, or genuine in general really, it’s either mistaken for flirting or as if that person has an “angle.”

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A friend of mine grew up as an orphan, and we often discuss things like trust, and what it was like for him not knowing that when it came to family. It was as if it was foreign to him.

So many people these days take their own family for granted and don’t realize just how much having a support system is key to human survival.

Before all the modern technology and medicine, people had shorter life expectancies – meaning they were literally forced to appreciate an array of things in life many don’t think twice about nowadays.

It’s not so much dependence human beings need, but interdependence – and that’s a whole different ball game.

Both dependence and interdependence can really only be carried out if a person has someone they can TRUST – independence is in a different field, where really it just comes down to relying on yourself.

My friend having previously been in the military said that while being an orphan did indeed teach him a tremendous amount of independence, it was incredibly difficult, but somehow strangely comforting taking up a profession where some type of interdependence isn’t just optional, but MANDATORY for survival.

We both were sat down over coffee this weekend while he was telling me this…and all at once I could see a mix of emotions flowing across his face. Pain. Comfort. Happiness. Contemplation.

Then while taking a sip he sentimentally mentioned that he loved that feeling. That feeling of interdependence. Because really, it didn’t matter if his own bloodline didn’t want him – yes, it was bitter, at first, painful, heart-wrenching…

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…but he’s the type of guy that understands you can’t wallow in that shit.

You can’t wallow in the fact that the very same people that are supposed to trust you, know you, and understand you, are those who probably do less of that than the stranger on the street, or the guy who stays in the same barracks as you.

This is the spin on trust many people don’t even consider in their day to day lives…and you know, stuff like this compels me to write on it, pay attention to it, and pay attention to people more.

That’s what trust is – paying attention.

It’s about going with your gut – not your head.

It’s about listening to that bit of intuition that pops up in the still of night – not the 10 people who’ve sourced information all from heresay.

It’s about exercising humanity.

It’s about understanding your fellow man.

It’s about touching the human heart.

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Because when you trust someone – you’re saying you believe in them. When you believe in them – you touch their heart.

…and believing in someone is one of the few, but fundamental things needed in today’s world.

Trust yourself, and you can trust others.

Believe in yourself, and you can believe in others…and get others to believe in you.

Pay attention to those around you, and don’t for a second take anyone, or anything for granted.

Because at some point in life, no matter how smooth the sail is, you’re gonna want someone to believe in you. To trust in you.

Show some humanity – even if you get bitten once in a while.

Better to be bitten for doing something decent, than going through life with blinders on your eyes – because with those blinders, although you avoid seeing all the messy stuff – you also miss out on seeing a lot of the really beautiful things, too.

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Dino, this post is dedicated to you. Stay just the way your are brother. You’re worth your weight in gold compared to any church goer, humanitarian, or Nobel Peace Prize winner.

As always…

Stay awesome.

– Rego

Improve Your Lifestlyle. Improve Yourself. This is Life. This is Rego’s Life.™

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