“The greatest weapon…

Musings: Quote Wednesdays…

Musings Quote Wednesdays, Quote Wednesdays, Quote Wednesdays Rego's Life, Rego's Life Quote Wednesdays, Rego's Life, Quote Wednesday, Rego's Life Quote Wednesday, Quote Wednesday Rego's Life, quotes on stress, stress quotes, quotes about stress, stress, thoughts, life, wednesdays, wednesday, hump day, happy hump day, The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another William James rego's life stress quotes quote wednesdays
Just a little mid-week food for thought. 😉

As always…

Stay awesome.

– Rego

Improve Your Lifestyle. Improve Yourself. This is Life. This is Rego’s Life.™

“When you believe…

Musings: Quote Wednesdays…

When you believe in a thing believe in it all the way implicitly and unquestionable, Rego's Life, Quote Wednesdays, walt disney quotes, dreams quotes, quotes, walt disney

A little mid-week inspiration. If you’re day after day doing something you believe in, whether it’s a sport, you’re business, a project, a piece of art, photography, or a new invention…believe in it 100% – and when you feel like quitting, remember why you started.

Believing in something partially, or doubting it, will only set you back tremendously. Start believing in yourself, and you can start believing in what you’re doing at any given moment – without fear, without hesitation, and without doubt.

As always…

Stay awesome.

– Rego

P.S. Quick side note – I’m gonna be posting a special today – a little Valentine’s “surprise” for this week onlyfill out this form and start following my official site and get 20% off kick starting your online business with any one of the Silver, Gold, or Platinum website creation packages I offer, plus a free course on how to monetize your site efficiently. New and more innovative stuff coming up in the shop real soon…look out for it by the end of this week. 😉


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“Knowledge will give…

Musings: Quote Wednesdays….

I’m on a Bruce Lee kick this week – woo…..

knowledge will give you power but character respect, if you truly love life don't waste time because time is what life is made of, to hell with circumstances i create opportunities, notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind, as you think so shall you become, bruce lee, 5 famous quotes by bruce lee

Think of it as a well thought out quote “blast” – because you’re all so special.

Also if you’ve got the time – watch Ip Man and Ip Man 2. Seriously.

Stay awesome. 😉

– Rego

rego's Life, rego's life official site, rego's life blog, rego's life personal blog

“Failure is success if…

Musings: Quote Wednesdays…

“Failure is success if we learn from it.” – Malcolm Forbes

I try not to look at failure or mistakes as things that were a waste of time – I’m no expert on it, nor am I saying the process is easy….but the less you look at a mistake or failure as being “wrong” the more you’ll see a different way of doing things and actually, the solution becomes a little clearer.

So next time you feel you’ve “failed,” think of it like a video game – if there’s a “retry” button (there always is), allow yourself to get one step closer to the solution.

Stay awesome 😉

– Rego

“Only when we…

Musings: Quote Wednesdays…

“Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live.” – Dorothy Thompson

…and once you begin to live, fear eventually just ends up becoming one of those things where you look back and say “what was all that fuss about?” Being afraid is just another way of holding yourself back from being a better you, and making your mark on the world. Don’t let something so silly hinder you from greatness.

As always…

Stay awesome. 😉

– Rego

rego's Life, rego's life official site, rego's life blog, rego's life personal blog

“We cannot teach…

Musings: Quote Wednesdays…

“We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves.” – Galileo Galilei

Couldn’t have said it better myself. Sorry this one’s a little late – was having major technical issues throughout the day with some other things. I just want you all to remember that every post I write is not to teach you guys things – but to help you expand your minds to unlock your imaginations, realize your desires, and actualize your dreams. Success both starts, and ends, in you. No one else.

If anything I’m just here to remind you of that…and maybe speed along the process in any way I can. 😉

Speaking of speed up the process…go ahead and check out my official site and subscribe for a free eBook – it has a lot of what I discuss covered in it and MORE. It’s human nature to want more – so go ahead, indulge yourself… 🙂

Stay awesome.

– Rego

“Difficulties are just…

Musings: Quote Wednesdays…

“Difficulties are just things to overcome, after all.” – Ernest Shackleton

Sorry about the delay guys – wasn’t feeling like too much of myself health wise. Bit better now. I’d say this Quote Wednesdays’ quote is pretty spot on.

Difficulties really are just things to overcome…and really if you shift your perspective – most, if not all games that were ever made – sports, gambling, and especially video games – within all them lie a touch of difficulty..and you know what? We feel good when we overcome it.

So just think – if we applied that to our everyday life – really, the only thing we would have to supply to ourselves post victory is a reward. Think up a reward for yourself, and it’ll make any difficulty seem like just a challenge – instead of a stressful time.

Stay awesome.

– Rego

“Not all those…

Musings: Quote Wednesdays…

Not all those who wander are lost.” – J. R. R. Tolkien

Sometimes wandering is the best thing to do…it’s how you find yourself. I did it for a good few years consistently – travelling from here to there, there to here – for almost 2 years I lived practically out of a suitcase just travelling and discovering new places. Now I still travel – but I’ve found a place I can so far call “home” 😉

Wandering is simply discovering. Uncovering….and gaining knowledge. It’s a subconscious desire to question everything, know new places, and unearth new things. Try “wandering” a few times a year, and see how awesome it is.

Stay cool. 😉


“Nothing happens unless…

“Nothing happens unless first we dream.” – Carl Sandburg

Without exercising our imagination, just like we exercise our body, we can never expect to grow better than what we are, never expect to do more than what we have, and never expect to be better than who we were yesterday.

So exercise the right side of your brain just as much as your left, the same way you would if you were at the gym. This way, you can grow better than what you are, do more than what you’ve done, and be better than who you were.

Stay awesome.

– Rego

“The best style…

Musings: Quote Wednesdays…

“The best style is the style you don’t notice.” – Somerset Maugham

This is one quote I’ve been relating to all week. Sometimes, it’s not always about the most known, recognized, or even idolized. Often it’s the things that aren’t always directly in your face, mass acknowledged, and famous/popular.

In everything there’s a hidden gem, and often because one method, or way, or visualization of something is constantly pushed to the forefront, often the most excellent things can be overlooked.

Take the time out to not follow the masses,  and instead stay a bit more aware of the less blatant things. You’ll be surprised how much more interesting it can be.

Stay cool.

– Rego