“When you believe…

Musings: Quote Wednesdays…

When you believe in a thing believe in it all the way implicitly and unquestionable, Rego's Life, Quote Wednesdays, walt disney quotes, dreams quotes, quotes, walt disney

A little mid-week inspiration. If you’re day after day doing something you believe in, whether it’s a sport, you’re business, a project, a piece of art, photography, or a new invention…believe in it 100% – and when you feel like quitting, remember why you started.

Believing in something partially, or doubting it, will only set you back tremendously. Start believing in yourself, and you can start believing in what you’re doing at any given moment – without fear, without hesitation, and without doubt.

As always…

Stay awesome.

– Rego

P.S. Quick side note – I’m gonna be posting a special today – a little Valentine’s “surprise” for this week onlyfill out this form and start following my official site and get 20% off kick starting your online business with any one of the Silver, Gold, or Platinum website creation packages I offer, plus a free course on how to monetize your site efficiently. New and more innovative stuff coming up in the shop real soon…look out for it by the end of this week. 😉


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