Musings Episode 38: Perfection…

Hey guys, thought I’d have a change of scenery today so writing this episodic musing from the beach:

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Hope your weekend’s are going well.

This past week a lot of progress has been made – for one, my official site has been COMPLETELY revamped giving it a nice new look with added features – go ahead and check it out.

In celebration, I’ll be giving away a free gift starting tomorrow that will run all week – be sure to head over and find it in tomorrow’s Make it Mondays post at 11:00 A.M. EST and get it before it’s too late. After Saturday December 21st it will no longer be available.

Second of all, I’m in the making of creating some great podcasts for you guys and will be adding another, special post to my arsenal – it starts Saturday, and will be posted up on the official site as well.

Thirdly – and this mostly has to do with health & fitness, I’ve been putting together this new year’s package for all my fitness clients who’ve been with me for more than one year. I think it’s gonna be a great gift and Christ knows they deserve it, they’ve worked hard and have gone through a lot of transitions to be proud of, and still continue to reach their ideal goals – their own little versions of “perfection”.

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Let’s linger on that last bit for a minute – perfection.

I used to love this word. In fact I still quite often use it in my vocabulary. While some people treat it with great disdain I embrace it, and have done so for many years – but within those years have learned that it takes on a whole different meaning than what’s in the dictionary.

Usually, what does perfect mean? To be flawless. Spotless. To never err. To be complete.

Anyone ever seen that movie Tron: Legacy? I believe I talked about this in an earlier post, the beginning of this year. Anyway, if you have seen the movie there’s a part near the very end where Flynn and CLU are battling it out, and right when CLU has (Kevin) Flynn where he wants him, says this:

CLU cries out to Kevin: “I took the system to its maximum potential. I created the perfect system!”

Kevin Flynn: “The thing about perfection is that it’s unknowable. It’s impossible, but it’s also right in front of us, all the time. You wouldn’t know that because I didn’t, when I created you… I’m sorry, CLU… I’m sorry.”

That’s the key point. Right there. Perfection is unknowable – it can be staring you right in the face and you may not even realize it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying don’t cease going after being the best person you can be. Nor am I saying being content is what you want to aim for.

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The key word Flynn used is UNKNOWABLE.

In saying this, perfection can be ATTAINABLE in some sense, if you put it into the right perspective. You can build a vision of your idealistic you, and label it as perfect – not to society’s standards, not to your friends or parents standards, but to you.

Pushing towards and taking the actions to become a better, idealized you, with various goals and milestones, can indeed be looked at as some form of perfection – in your eyes. The same way the saying “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” that exact logic can be applied to perfection – perfection, in effect, is in the eye of the beholder.

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If you’re looking for self-perfection, and have a firm belief and understanding of what or who you would ideally like to be and identify yourself with as a person, then the only human being that has the right to mark that as perfect is you.

This doesn’t mean perfection is the goal – but what the goal has potential to become when achieved. This doesn’t mean contentment is wrong – but if you have potential to be better and do more you by all means should.

You’re born to be the best you can be – and by striving for that, when the time comes to leave this earth, you can say that you died living…and it was a good life.

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So this week, think up a few ways in which you already feel perfect – then improve the aspects of yourself that you see need polishing. If you’ve already got a thought or two bouncing around in your head, share and comment below.

As always…

Stay awesome.

– Rego


Musings Episode 38: Perfection is a post from and appeared first on Rego’s Life