For The Weekenders: Gravity-Free Plane Rides, Bruce Lee Surfing, Drive-In Movies

All this week I’ve been itching for some creative fun things to do. So I got to thinking of all the things I like – and this is what was created. Enjoy.

I’ve always been a fan of travel – travelling on planes especially. Flying above the clouds at 37,000 feet always seemed so calming for me…floating would’ve been even cooler…and now I can – and now you can…with Zero G.

These guys, are pure genius. If you ever wanted to be an astronaut, and feel what it’s like to float effortlessly from your bedroom to the living room – they can deliver. Well, minus the living room and bedroom. But you can catch drops of water in mid air with your mouth, just by floating your way over to them.

It’s like Hungry Hungry Hippos…but cooler.

It works a little like this:

You grab a few buddies who are thrill seekers like yourself or maybe just like doing kung fu moves mid-air without risk of injury and slow motion style, and you book 4-5 reservations for a trip on a Boeing 727. Sounds pretty standard, no? Well, did I mention this particular 727 is modified to do parabolic arcs?

Lo, ladies and gentleman: the ancient smiling fist punch.

Yeah. Pretty insane.

So once you’re all booked and paid up, you head on over to Las Vegas, this Saturday, grab your new flight gear and suit up, shuffle over to the plane, board, and away you go. It’s from here the cap’n does a few whirls and loops until boom – gravity free…and you’re floating, effortlessly like a dandelion in the wind (poetic much?). Just don’t get too caught up in the moment and close your eyes – lest you bump into your best mate and end up bumping heads – literally.

It costs a few grand for this insane adventure, but it’s well worth it and most definitely a story worth looking back on and telling. The best part is it’s not just Las Vegas you can make your reservation at – but numerous other cities, such as New York. So when you ring up your guys/girls this weekend and ask what they’re up for, ask yourself: what sounds better? Beers at the usual bar, or gravity free high flying oh-em-gee adventures? The answer is clear.

So after all that mid-air slow-mo kung-fu judo action, you don’t want the good, high flying times to end. What do you do? Well, you hop over from Vegas to L.A., call up that girl/guy you’ve been wondering about regarding how good they look in swimwear, and make it a good excuse to try some at the beach martial arts. In the water. On a paddle board. Did I mention in the water?

Don’t take that wave set. I will Judo kick your ass the next time you cut me off for my set.

In being a fan of the ocean, fitness, and at one point taking three different forms of martial arts plus fencing all in one go, this is probably the most fun hands down…I won’t lie – I scream like a little fan girl every time I think of the awesomeness of whoever took such an idea and put it into an activity like this. It’s downright original, and refreshing…it will also kick the absolute crap out of your core.

Dammit Jack. You had one job. Don’t let go. Was that so hard? Now reach, dammit, like your life depends on it.

Looking for that extra step to carve your abs even more? Congratulations – I present to you a solution.

Paddle board martial arts is more than just a fun time – it’s a work out. Think about it – you’re there trying to do crane poses and high kicks, but not on a nice dojo mat, no, and not even on the wood floors we’ve all grown so familiar with – but instead, a board. A paddle board. That sways back and forth with not just the help of the ocean, but any tiny little movement you make.

Master this and you’ve officially gained bragging rights to say you outgrew the dojo, the pond was too small and you needed an ocean (did I just make a pun? I believe I did.)

Classes can be found held off of Marina Mother’s Beach, D-Basin, Marina Del Rey, and run four times a week, two of which are by reservation only. Check out the full details on scheduling here.

Ninja status.

Ninja status.

So your wish came true and you got to see that that hottie does look great when they hit up the beach, and have now invited them out for a movie…but a regular movie is so…well, regular. Also you can’t drink at movie theaters. Boo. No fun.

But wait, what if I told you you could? In fact, you could eat, drink, and be merry? Picture a movie theater with a beer garden….that also serves wine. Not to mention thin crust pizza – and quality burgers. A whole menu, really.

coyote drive in great promo photo

Classic, meet modern day.

Boredom of standard movie theater, meet Coyote Drive-In. Created back in 2011 by four guys who envisioned their perfect idea of a great, super chill time, they went ahead and kicked it old school, making a blast from the past become reality once more with a Drive-In movie set up located in friendly Forth Worth, Texas. They didn’t reinvent the wheel – just pulled it from the dusty corners of the garage and cleaned it up.



I remember going to the drive-in when I was a kid, thinking it was the best thing since sliced bread. Located in a small little town and one of the few left, it was the highlight of my weekends after school.

10-15 years later and I still get stoked just thinking about it. The comfort of your car. The sounds, voices, special effects pumping out through your own vehicle’s speakers, just by tuning to the assigned station. The much desired privacy when you and your date have that moment…wait – what…? Rego, you mean no awkward strangers slurping the last of their soda while eyeing me stealing a kiss anymore…? I’d say that’s win.

I can watch Iron Man 3 or Fast & Furios 6 and finally put those Audio Bahn speakers to good use I invested a fortune in, for more than just music you ask? You sure can.

spongebob excited

Welcome to the future…with a little bit of the past. Drive-Ins, congrats. You were missed enough to be brought back. Clearly, you must be doing something right.

– Rego

For The Weekenders: Gravity-Free Plane Rides, Bruce Lee Surfing, Drive-In Movies is a post from and appeared first on Rego’s Life