Musings Episode 10: Clothes Make The Man…Woman…Person.

So recently I’ve been considering changing up my style for summer and created a list of clothing I’m gonna be shopping around for soon…and it made me think of another key component of successful business and business tactics.

Clothing play a big part in multiple aspects of success – the most common being first impressions and subconscious affiliations.

Think about it.

I currently have numerous ventures going on, and with each, must wear a different “hat”. If you were an investor and were meeting me at a smart casual restaurant to discuss financing, and we’d never met before, you wouldn’t exactly expect me to show up in a pair of trainers/sneakers, shorts, and an underarmour shirt that I just came from a fitness session wearing, would you?

You probably also wouldn't be too thrilled if I showed up looking like I was ready for an MMA match.

You probably also wouldn’t be too thrilled if I showed up looking like I was ready for an MMA match.

What would be your first impression?

Your first thought?

Would you take me seriously?

Would you instantly start sizing me up according to things such as social class, business etiquette, and ability to handle myself in a professional setting?

Probably not…and then maybe. It all depends on the individual.

My point here is clothes make the man/woman. No matter what, society inevitably links appearance to expectations. When you see someone with black trousers, black short sleeve button down, gun on the hip, and a badge, you instantly think policeman. When you see someone in a suit, tie, and holding a briefcase, you think corporate ladder climber. If you see someone in a silk suit, some form of exotic animal leather shoes, and gold/platinum cufflinks, you think rich executive or business owner. If you see a well groomed metrosexual man even, you’ll probably have one or two people assume he’s gay.

And honestly guys, there's so many of you that should start doing this.

And honestly guys, there’s so many of you that should start doing this. It gets you places with the ladies.

In knowing all this, I’d say it’s fairly safe to conclude what you wear is what you’re labeled as.

Now wait – before you jump to conclusions, I’m not going to judge you and tell you what you should and shouldn’t wear. I am however, going to give you a few pointers on what can aid you overall in life – business and personal. There’s a list of different things that could visually send power statements to a wide range of people, and it doesn’t have to cost you a fortune, unless you want it to.

As you all know Urban Daddy is my party bible, but they’ve also been known to be my go to spot for all things original and distinct. This also includes clothing. Jetset Magazine is also another great go to place. The great thing about living in this world is the huge amount of variety we get. From tailor made to standard cheap cuts, we have choices. Why not make the choice to dress better? It just makes sense.

This goes for both the men...

This goes for both the men…

...and the women. Remember ladies - the perfect waistline is still considered the most attractive feature on a woman.

…and the women. Remember ladies – the perfect waistline is still considered the most attractive feature on a woman.

When you dress better, you feel more confident. Pair that with fitness and actually allowing yourself to look good in your clothing, and you’ve got yourself feeling like a new person, and sometimes, more often than not, rocking a new personality…and guys, this also means keeping up your fitness levels as well. You may be able to snag that 10 at the bar, but she still appreciates a well cut body – the same way you were eyeing her for her flawless figure.

I’m serious. Think about how many people look up to actors and actresses in Hollywood, or even athletes. What is it that most people admire about these people? Their acting? Their personalities? Their accomplishments?


Hardly is it ever their personalities…you may think you know an actor/actress or any other famous figure by their persona they display on TV during interviews – but then that’s just what it is. A persona…they’ve been trained and have learned to change up their attitude and personality at any given moment. It’s their job.

No, I’d say much of what makes them admirable is the way they present themselves. Presentation is everything. In our food, in our dress, even in our location. Most often we pick where we would like to live based on what the location has to offer us, what the place looks like, and the safety and happenings of the area. Find me one person that will live anywhere, and I do mean anywhere, and say they have zero regard for what the place looks like, and I will confidently call bullshit. The travel industry makes their money off appearance – appearance, location, and nothing else.


In my opinion, it’s always a good idea to make sure you make a small effort to look decent in general. A decent well made shoe, well made quality thread clothing, well maintained hair, facial grooming, moisturizing, smelling good, all these things have a great impact in more ways than one.

As humans, we’re mostly sensory beings. 90% of what we interpret and how we communicate doesn’t come from our mouth – it comes from all 5 senses, but hearing is just a small factor. Smell, touch, taste, and sight are critical.


So when we’re meeting up with friends, or we’re going on a date, or we’re meeting potential future business partners, most of what’s being evaluated isn’t coming out of our mouths. So what are the top things I look out for when I evaluate future business associates and want to see if they would reflect the business image I’m looking for? Read on…

Shoes. As mentioned earlier, shoes I believe are really important. No, I’m not saying you have to go out and buy a pair of $3000 kicks. Not at all. I do however, believe that they should look clean, be quality made, and show your personality. Whether it’s a pair of sandals or custom made boots, in my opinion they should reflect that you value yourself and your appearance.

Marcello Mastroianni - one of a kind...

Marcello Mastroianni – one of a kind…

Pants and shirts, skirts and dresses. I’m all for individualism and creativity, but let’s not forget style and class. Even dressed like you’re slumming it should seem like you’re making effort and still maintaining the ability to catch a few eyes…fitted clothing I think work best – so many times nowadays I see women wearing clothing TOO tight, and guys wearing clothing like they just rolled out of bed. What’s up with that? Na, stop trying too hard, stop not trying at all, and instead try to find a nice median in between. You’ll get there – it just takes a bit of effort.


Hair. I’m always one for great looking hair. Like seriously – when someone makes the effort to make their hair look great, in being a former photographer it really gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Making the effort doesn’t mean going to any crazy extent and paying someone at a salon or barber shop either. Sometimes, it can mean just researching and looking into a few great hair products, finding a style that frames your face, and most importantly, what makes you feel comfortable in your own skin. Everything I mention here should make you feel comfortable in your own skin.


Accessories. These really say a lot about a person…more than you may think. A few good accessories can sum up your personality, your viewpoint in life, and even how you go about your day to day life. A watch could mean you’re mindful of time, while a bracelet made of fish hooks could mean you like adventure and the open sea.


I have a silver chain style necklace with a key that looks like a fin key to a surf board that I’ve had around my neck for the past 6 years, and it still says a lot. A few carefully selected accessories can get a message across without you having to say anything.

Lastly, personal grooming such as face and skin, perfumes and colognes, all tie in with completing the unsaid self-statement. Choosing good skin products, decent facial washes, and quality scents that match well with your body chemistry can aid greatly in getting people’s smelling and feeling sensory mechanisms to pick up on positively…and I don’t mean spraying scents on like a crop duster…


…or coating yourself in self-tanning lotion.

Subtlety is key, and less is more – except when it comes to showering.

You all know my viewpoints on exercise, eating healthy and staying fit…and honestly eating healthy can be Monday morning to Friday afternoon with weekends free to splurge and indulge. This spikes your metabolism and doesn’t make you feel like a prisoner to healthy foods – or a sinner if you pick up that dozen of Krispy Kreme donuts at your local Publix (hey, I’m guilty for it). Go ahead, you deserve it.

…and that’s pretty much it. It’s these little things that can help a lot in daily life, with just a little conscious effort, that go a long way. Keep this in mind and you’ll see subtle changes, in yourself and your surroundings.

Stay classy.

– Rego

Musings Episode 10: Clothes Make The Man…Woman…Person. is a post from and appeared first on Rego’s Life