Musings Episode 82: Options…

Hope everyone’s week is off to a great start. I remember talking to someone about options that a person has in every aspect of their life a while back…which pretty much inspired this week’s episodic musing. Let’s get started.

Musings Episode 82: Options

We Must Dare To Think Unthinkable Thoughts We Must Learn To Explore All The Options And Possibilities That Confront Us In A Complex And Rapidly Changing World J William Fulbright, Rego's Life, J William Fulbright quotes, Rego's Life quotes, J William Fulbright, Musings Episode 82 Options, Rego's Life, Musings Episode 82 Options Rego's Life, Rego's Life Musings Episode 82 Options, Options, life options, options quotes, how to assess your options, remember you have options, life choices, lifestyle, know you have options

I’d say in today’s time we live in a world of choice – lots of it. Largely on a consumer level, but on other levels too. There’s so many different forms of education, career choices, leisure time options, and ways of getting out and socialising that you’ll have people say the amount of options is overwhelming.

I’d say that’s bull.

Then, there are some who may feel like they don’t have any options.

That’s also bull.

True, there are an abundance of options out there, but if you’ve got focus, the options available hardly seem overwhelming and if anything, you can easily filter out the fluff.

When you think about it, the amount of options you have can actually help you have a better understanding of what it is you want out of life, in all aspects of life. Even feeling like you have no options at some point in life can force you to realise the options you do have, if you stay calm and think.

This is where focus comes in. The main thing is to use that focus to stay on track with whatever it is you want to accomplish.

Filtering is easy, but staying on track can sometimes be tricky – largely because it relies on consistency. As an entrepreneurial minded person I can attest to this.

I could have a number of ideas pop up in my head a week that seem like great business ideas. Where it gets tricky is staying consistent – sometimes it’s tempting to move on all of them at one time rather than planning things out methodically, or knocking out one at a time.

Thinking of so many ideas can open you up to so many options, even outside the entrepreneurial realm.

And having options means having access to different tools that can help you move any part of your life forward.

Knowledge creates options, and options are kind of like guide books that teach you which way you can use the tools you’ve uncovered through assessing your options.

The higher the level of people's perceived self-efficacy the wider the range of career options they seriously consider the greater their interest in them and the better they prepare themselves educationally for the occupational pursuits they choose Albert Bandura, Rego's Life, Albert Bandura quotes, Rego's Life quotes, Albert Bandura, Albert Bandura Options, Musings Episode 82 Options, Rego's Life, Musings Episode 82 Options Rego's Life, Rego's Life Musings Episode 82 Options, Options, life options, options quotes, how to assess your options, remember you have options, life choices, lifestyle, know you have options

If you’re from my generation, maybe you were taught that you could be anything when you were younger – and maybe you were taught to pick a safe career option as you got older.

This was always a confusing trend of thought to me. You’re told you can be anything (including Spider-Man) when you’re younger – but as you get older, family/society tells you to “think about your future” and “pick a safe career choice”? Something like a lawyer, doctor, etc?

Forget wanting to be top athlete or pro skateboarder, and opt for a nice, quiet office job?

While I know the above “safe” options can in theory of course be smart (and sometimes recession proof), it’s the line of thinking that’s a contradiction.

I mean I can see where (most) parents are coming from – they want their kids to have stability, not lack for anything, and a financially stress-free life so they can actually enjoy the years that pass by.

But I think always opting for the safe option can be self-sabotaging.

This is where I think a hybrid approach works best.

There’s some partial truth that there are obvious benefits to choosing a “safe” career – but only if you know what type of benefits you’re talking about.

I think if a person feels more comfortable going with a safe option – with anything in life – it’s better to only use it as a tool to get where you really want to go – to enable you to do what you really want to do.

I tell people Do what you love but it can also be hard to know what you love early on But when you think about it and you describe the options which one gets you a little more excited Brad D Smith, Rego's Life, Brad D Smith quotes, Rego's Life quotes, Brad D Smith, Brad D Smith options, Musings Episode 82 Options, Rego's Life, Musings Episode 82 Options Rego's Life, Rego's Life Musings Episode 82 Options, Options, life options, options quotes, how to assess your options, remember you have options, life choices, lifestyle, know you have options

In the context of business, picking a safe option really just means picking an option that gives you a steady source of cash flow over the required length of time it’s needed.

But it’s what you do with that cash flow that matters.

One thing I’ve learnt about being an entrepreneur – if you want to move anything forward, even outside of business, most of the time it takes cash flow, and time.

This can be with a hobby, travelling, a relationship, anything.

I really don’t get why people try and separate money from the equation when it comes to a lot of things they do in life.

If you want to learn how to play guitar, you’ve gotta first buy the guitar.

If you want to pursue a relationship, you’ve still gotta have the cash to meet up with the person – whether you’re driving or using public transportation. Even if you’re walking, if you wanna go and grab a bite (or make a bite to eat) it still takes cash.

Hell, even if you want to get in better shape you’ve gotta have the cash to eat properly.

There’s an interesting quote I’m fond of…

Money is only a vehicle that provides you with options and I say there's only one thing that money can't buy poverty Jerry Doyle, Rego's Life, Jerry Doyle quotes, Rego's Life quotes, Jerry Doyle, Musings Episode 82 Options, Rego's Life, Musings Episode 82 Options Rego's Life, Rego's Life Musings Episode 82 Options, Options, life options, options quotes, how to assess your options, remember you have options, life choices, lifestyle, know you have options, Jerry Doyle options

Now this blog post isn’t to talk about money – but I can say that money, like knowledge, can give you more options.

And I can say that it’s important to realise that everyone, and I do mean everyone, has options.

The main thing is, you’ve got to pick what options are right for YOU.

Only you.

Nobody else can or should feel like they can dictate to you what your options are. It’s your life, you’ve got to live it, and you’ve got to deal with the results that the options you pick give you.

At the end of the day, you’ve got to do what feels right for you.

Choose your options wisely. Choose how to use your tools wisely.

Just for fun I’m gonna leave you with one of my favourite songs this year:

As always…

Stay awesome.

– Rego

Improve Your Lifestyle. Improve Yourself. This is Life. This is Rego’s Life.™

Musings Episode 82: Options… is a post from and appeared first on Rego’s Life